Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) Round 1
17th November 2021
The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund(FETF) grant is now open and all applications need to be submitted by noon on 7 January 2022, a period of around 7 weeks, which is a relatively short period of time.
The grant will provide funding for many different types of agricultural equipment, which includes – slurry separators, direct drills, slurry application equipment, rainwater harvesting equipment and many livestock farming items.
The new FETF grant scheme is very similar to the Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) scheme it replaces, and is very helpful if you are already looking to purchase some of the grant funded items. However, the grant amounts are very similar to the old scheme and in some cases less, which is disappointing considering the cost of some steel products has risen by 40% since the old scheme closed.

The main differences from the old scheme are :
- 119 grant items compared with 87 previously.
- The minimum grant value has reduced to £2,000 and the maximum grant value has increased to £25,000. You can apply for a total of £50,000 over the scheme’s duration. For example, if there were two rounds you could apply for £25,000 in each round.
- And funding received under the previous CPSG scheme will not count towards the £50,000 total, good news for anyone who has previously benefitted as they will not miss out!
The Farming Transformation Fund
The Farming Transformation Fund has also opened today . This fund aims to cover more substantial business investment in specific farm areas. It is initially focusing on water management, with grants available to improve water use on farms for things such as crop irrigation and constructing on-farm reservoirs , which may be of very limited use in Cumbria! However, we will endeavour to make full use of the grant where we can.

For more information please follow the link below or contact Bruce Murray
at the office, who will be only too happy to assist with any questions or queries.
Farming Equipment and Technology Fund: Round 1 manual – Guidance – GOV.UK (
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